Care + Cleaning

Stained glass is made of glass pieces cut according to a pattern. The pieces are put together with either extruded lead channels or copper foil tape - or a combination of both processes. Both processes use 60/40 solder (60% tin + 40% lead).

Lead is a soft metal that is prone to oxidization over time. This is lead's way of "rusting" and it manifests not as orange crusties, but as a white-ish powder or a dull haze over the metal. Oxidization is normal but it will happen quicker in humid climates or if the piece is displayed outdoors and exposed to the elements.

Here are suggestions for cleaning your stained glass piece:

- Don't use windex or any ammonia-based or acidic cleaners on stained glass, it could mess up the patina or make oxidation worsen

- DO try one of the following
         - Sometimes just a plain old, dry, clean microfiber or cotton cloth 
         - Dawn dish soap
         - Rubbing alcohol
         - Pledge furniture cleaner (spray on, wait 20 min, polish with microfiber cloth)

         - Small amount of baby oil on a clean cloth
         - 100% carnauba car wax
         - Paste wax (rub on a thin layer, polish when dried to a haze)

Every artist seems to have their favorite method and products and I am still trying lots of things to figure out my own. If you have questions about caring for your piece, no matter how long you've had it, please reach out to [email protected]